Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I haven't updated anything on here for years... So sad!!!  Today was a pretty normal day, but I had some precious moments this evening with my youngest son.  Garrett was at Scouts (Matt went with him tonight) & Gavin went to bed early with a migraine... Poor thing!  This gave me a rare opportunity to have some one-on-one with Parker.  We went outside & sat on the trampoline (Parker's idea).  We layed down & looked at the sky, the clouds, & the mountains.  It was just before dusk.  The lighting is especially beautiful at this time, highlighting the deep green of the pines that blanket the mountains & the all contours of the Rocky's that are otherwise less obvious.  We talked & he was able to feel Brooklyn moving -- he loves that!  She's been quite active today.  I told him she must be excited to come out & play with him.  Then he flashed the sweetest smile.  :)  I told him it was time to get ready for bed and although willing, he mentioned how he wanted to show me the garden & all the new growth.  I couldn't say 'no' to such enthusiasm.  After he very gently helped me off the trampoline (what I needed was a forklift), we walked hand in hand to the garden, where he pointed out 'this & that'.  He was especially excited about the peas & blueberries.  He then showed me some clay rocks & explained how you can make clay paint from them.  Oh, how I love that littlest man of ours!!!